Real time chat applications are very much trending in the market, and all the people are very much interested in learning how these applications work? You might find it challenging when you read the topic of building a real time chat app with the help of express, react, and
But do not worry, I will explain everything easily.
Assuming that you have node.js V10 or higher version installed in your system, we will start with the basics.
- First of all, we will create the main folder and initiate it by using NPM.
- After that, you have to click enter for all the options and then install the express library and Socket.IO for handling socket connections.
- Once you install the express library and Socket.IO, you will have to create a file for implementing the new application’s logic.
Now write the express server code in the server.js file; after this process is complete, you can open your real-time chat-app and start the editing process.
When you run the command, you have to make sure that the code is working as expected. It should display running on port 8001.
- We will be using create-react-app for it, some also prefer to configure Webpack, but that’s up to you if you don’t have create-react-app installed on your system.
Now comes the central part of building the chat application
We will have a folder named Chat, which will consist of our Channel’s components and the main Component of Chat. I won’t be adding CSS files for designing.
//Main_Chat.js // Channels.js //Main_Message.js //Messages.js
To conclude, with the help of React.js and Socket.IO, you can build real time chat apps using a full stack developer by using Express, React.JS, and Socket.IO.